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Dino Soar is a nifty alternative control scheme game that has some potential and amazing art and sound design! 7/10 

This is game is fun - the sound design is juicy I LOVED the trombone slide entrance into each level! You did great to emulate that QWOP feeling, I always appreciate a well-made alternate control scheme.

Sad we can't play more! I got five stars on the fist two levels and was just itching to go further. The controls are decent for getting hang of, pressing space periodically to hold the egg takes the difficulty up to that next level - the fun kind!

My suggestion is that touching the floor shouldn't kill the players momentum entirely, less friction would help get around tight corners and slide off things easier for those micro-wing flaps if the goal was accuracy.
I could see a survival mode being made for this game where you have to reach a coin / target with decreasing periods of time!

Keep up the good work here!

WOW thanks for such a wonderful review! That trombone sound wasn't a stock effect, it's actually me playing! (I don't think my neighbors enjoyed me recording those sounds at 3am lol) Sorry about that bug, the code somehow disappeared sometime in the last hour of the jam, and we didn't notice until after the jam ended.

Those are both wonderful recommendations! I especially love the idea of a survival mode, maybe we'll implement that in a future update!

Thanks so much for playing the game and leaving such a thoughtful review, it means a lot to us!


Oh my goodness its sooo hard haha I can’t even beat the first level. But, very well done, love the music, the little details, the whole feel.

Thank you! We had the goal of implementing an accessibility option to turn off some elements of the controls (e.g. one key to control the whole wing, make small wing flaps more effective, turn off the stamina bar) but we ran out of time. Would love to implement that at some point in the future to make the game a bit more accessible. Thanks so much for playing!

cant seem to find the select level key :/

To move around the level map, you can use the arrow keys (left and right to move to the next level) and then hit enter to jump into the game. I tweaked the how to play section in the description to reflect this feedback, thanks!

hmm, now i cant seem to select the play button, im sure it was the enter key

Hm, that's funky. We'll add it to the list of bugs we gotta fix in the future, thanks for pointing that out!