Based on the Ludum Dare 51 theme "Every 10 Seconds"


What’s up dude, and welcome to Tick Tick Za, the world’s first ever 10 second pizza kitchen! Here at Tick Tick Za, pizza scientists and engineers have created the optimal method for producing high quality pizzas at record breaking times.

The kitchen can be a bit tricky to navigate at first, but with proper training you’ll be a pro pizza chef in no time. It all starts with production. Every 10 seconds a pizza crust will come out the shoot in the center back of the kitchen. A display screen on your left will tell you what your order needs to look like and the screen to the right will list off the ingredients. Your job will be to complete each task as quickly as you can so the customer can leave satisfied with their perfect pizza. But three wrong orders and our artificial intelligence, Z.A Z.A, will shut us down due to safety compliant violations. Be careful, the machines can become overworked and will run into problems throughout your shift.


Our state of the art sauce sprayer holds three sauces, MarinaraAlfredo, and BBQ. Toggle between these three sauces with the lever on top and then spin the valve to spray your selected sauce on our finest dough. The type of sauce can be seen as the droplet in the top left of the ingredients display screen.


Take our gourmet cheeses from the table to the Cheese shredder where you will need to rub them against the blades of the grater. This will shred up your choice of MozzarellaParmesan, and Ricotta cheese to a nice fine grain that cooks evenly in our oven. The type of cheese to use can be seen in the bottom left of the ingredients display screen.


Tick Tick Za orders its meat fresh from local grass fed pastures where the animals are ethically raised and processed to high quality standards. There are always issues with delivery though, so you might need to search through several boxes to find the meat you’ll need for an order.


People love their veggies, and it’s important to us to have quick rotation between the toppings so that each ingredient never goes bad. That’s why we put them on a wheel that spins, and you can spin it too! Simply spin the wheel to find the ingredient you’re looking for and pick it out of the pile.


Here we keep our cold fresh items such as seafood and frozen veggies. They are kept in stacked cold hold drawers but can be difficult to access if another drawer blocks it. Try to close each door after using a topping to ensure they maintain their proper internal temperature.


Tick Tick Za’s signature ingredients are the home grown peppers we use on our pizzas. To grow these delicious peppers all you need to do is use the watering can on the planted pots to grow some of the spiciest peppers known to pizza.


The Pizza Corporation requires that we have pineapple as an option to put on our pizzas. If you want it, you can get it from the trash can.


The artificial intelligence that is linked to each of the machines is Z.A.Z.A. She oversees production and will adjust equipment speed based on demand. Ideally, the better a pizza cook you are, the more orders will be coming your way. She keeps track how many pizzas you’ve delivered successfully and shows it on her main monitor. But, you break her heart three times by failing to complete an order and she’ll shut us down.

And that’s it! You should be on your way to making beautiful and unique pizzas fresh from the one and only Tick Tick Za!

Tick Tick Za! is created by the development group known as “The Lost Rats” featuring Justin Roderman, Varun Chadha, and Sean Poole

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